Leslie Sine: Partner, Leslie has been with AgRePlan from nearly the beginning, she is a great asset to the company.
James Paterson, JP as most folks know him: Water management, Installations, design: (Cables and Mounting solutions), Tier II and III Support. JP comes to AgRePlan from AMW. JP was one of AMW's most rounded technical support folks, and is now available to help our customers with his knowledge of Lasers and Laser control systems, Novatel GPS, CHC GPS, AMW, Rust Sales DAC Controllers, and the new GeoSite Manager products by GeoLogic Computer Systems, Inc. JP also knows his way around a construction site, and is a huge asset to help AgRePlan, an Ag company, bridge into the construction market.
John Wagner: President and Majority Partner. Additional Roles: Geo-Processing Center, Sales, product developement, marketing strategies, and Tier III support.
The absolute best way to reach AgRePlan for sales, support or business matters is to call 9374041380, you will get Leslie, she can assist with most issues, or can direct you to the appropriate person for support as she knows each of our schedules and who is available at any given moment to help you. Many times when you call our support folks direct they are on jobs, tech support calls, or sales meetings , Leslie knows who is available, so please call her first. We strive to have someone available at all times for your support.
The People of AgRePlan...