Our Network data plans are extremely cost competitive and you benefit from a group bulk buy of data. We can package all the hardware you need along with the data plan at extremely competitive pricing. So if you want to cut your existing plan in half, please consider our network solution.
Tell us what GPS you have- 937-404-1380 We supply you with a Network Bridge, appropriate cables and cell booster in a bundled service package. Please call for pricing information.
Decide if you can install- or schedule with our technical service provider for install at time of order, there is a charge for installation. Note that all systems will ship configured and ready to install.(Along with instructions to configure your GPS receiver) Please allow plenty of time to get your CORS information back from the appropriate state office. Some states have a very quick response, other states take several weeks.
Existing Verizon Wireless customers can also benefit from our bulk buy data plan. If you are at the end of your contract, simply click on application link below, download, print, fill out, and fax back to 208-275-6143. Then we will contact you, in the meantime, you may also click on Billing Agreement, download, print and fax to 208-275-6143
RTK Network Data Solutions
For your convenience we will publish the state DOT application links as we discover them. A few states have no electronic application download
We do have options for John Deere Autotrack equipped machines, please call for details. JD does not directly support access to Network RTK