AGIS: Professional Data processing software, used by AgRePlan, and many other successful consulting companies, retailers, and growers. AGIS represents 25+ years of enhanced features specifically tailored to high volume, high end data processing.
AGIS is now available for sale, it sells for $1200.00 per copy, with annual maintenance at $240.00 per year.
For training, please call 9374041380, John can schedule one on one web based, or on site training.
Once Dowloaded and installed, call John 9374041380, or email wagnerjohn86@gmail.com, be prepared with your credit card, and John will get you through the rest of the activation process.
Viewpoint: The baby brother to AGIS, Viewpoint is for customers of an AGIS processing center.
Viewpoint has been a free product, and the costs of Viewpoint had always been covered in the per acre billing model of AGIS. Since AGIS is now available without a per acre fee, the cost of Viewpoint will be $100.00 with no annual maintenance. If you are a consulting customer of AgRePlan, AgRePlan will provide Viewpoint at no cost.
Once Dowloaded and installed, call 9374041380, or email wagnerjohn86@gmail.com, be prepared with your credit card, and we will get you through the rest of the activation process.
11781 Zeller Dr. New Carlisle, OH 45344